Rainmeter Big Sur

This is a MacOS Big Sur Operating System, this is a just MacOs Big Sur Theme pack that will make your Windows 10 look exactly like MacOS Big Sur. If you also want to enjoy Mac themes and graphics while living in Windows then this article will be useful for you.

1. Install ThemeTool.exe

Big Sur is a skin that adds a bunch of widgets to your home screen, replicating Big Sur. The widgets include a music player control, system settings, calendar, to-do list, clock, calendar, weather, volume and brightness toggles, and more. You need to update to Rainmeter 3.0 - it's a significant improvement in performance. You should also use less interactive panels such as system monitoring and web parser modules. Omnimo was created and optimized entirely on a laptop with a 1.1GHz processor; if you don't use too many heavy panels, Omnimo should run very well even on older systems.

  • Run the ThemeTool.exe by Administrator
  • Select 'Hook LogonUI' only
  • Then click on 'Install'
  • Reboot the computer to apply the changes.

2. Download Big Sur theme

  • Unzip the downloaded zip
  • Go to path 'ThemesThin Taskbar'
  • Copy all theme/files inside the folder
  • Paste theme files to 'C:WindowsResourcesThemes'
  • Open the ThemeTool.exe in the step (1) by Administration again
  • Select any 'Big Sur' theme you like
  • Click 'Patch and apply'

3. Change Desktop Background to Mac OS Big Sur 4k Wallpaper


4. Change Windows Icons to Big Sur Theme

  • Download Macpac Icon Theme

Rainmeter Macos Big Sur

  • Unzip the file and remove the file tail '.remove' then the file's name changed to '.7z'
  • Download 7TSP GUI 2019 Edition
Big sur beta for rainmeter

Rainmeter Mac Os Big Sur

  • Change the file name '.ee' to '.exe' to execute the file.
  • Open the file '7tsp GUI v0.6(2019).exe'
  • Select 'Add a Custom Pack'
  • Choice the file '.7z' of Macpac Icon Theme
  • Click 'Start Patching'
  • Reboot the computer to apply the changes.
Rainmeter Big Sur

5. Install Widgets

  • Download Theme for Rainmeter
  • Unzip and click on 'BigSur.rmskin' to install the theme.
  • Top bar Widget: droptop four by Cariboudjan on DeviantArt

6. Install Dock

  • Download Rocket Dock
  • Install Rocket Dock Skin
  • Unzip the Rocket Skin zip file then copy all folder to the Rocket Dock skins 'C:Program Files (x86)RocketDockSkins'
  • Open Dock Setting (by right click) then change Position to 'Bottom' and Style to 'Big Sur'
  • Now you can go to task bar setting and hide it
  • Remove the default icon/app in the Dock.
  • Copy icons in 'macOS BigSur ICONS by Maiguris' (folder inside the skins zip above) to 'C:Program Files (x86)RocketDockIcons'.
  • Add Items to the Dock by Icon and Setting Open Program by Path.

7. Change the Mouse Cursor

Rainmeter Big Sur Widgets

  • Right click on '.Install.inf' and click 'Install'
  • Go the the mouse setting (additional mouse options) and change the theme

Big Sur Rainmeter Skin Download

Rainmeter big sur

Big Sur Beta For Rainmeter

All software in this post you can easily download here