Run Android Emulator On Mac

I am in the process of building some mobile apps for one of my clients, and while I'm pretty familiar with running the iPhone simulator and building iPhone apps, I'm pretty new to the Android development tools at this point. So I thought I would give a quick and easy guide for folks to follow, that might be interested in getting started with Android Development and running the Android Emulator.

I should mention that there is also an Eclipse Plugin for Android Development as well that you can use instead. Also, I'm using a Mac, but I think the steps should be pretty close if you are running Windows or Linux.

Step 1 - Download the Android SDK

I solved it like this: cd /.android/avd ls.avd. Now choose the emulator that is crashing. Cd nameoftheemulator.avd touch emulator-user.ini vi emulator-user.ini. And now reset window.x, that's window.x=0 exit and run the emulator. If you move and close the emulator to the secondary screen it will crash the next time you want to run it. Mac compatibility: Sounds obvious, but not all emulators run on macOS. If you'd like a little more information about using these emulators, take a look at How to run Android apps on Mac. The Android Emulator lets you develop and test Android apps without using a physical device. This page describes command-line features that you can use with the Android Emulator. For information about using the Android Emulator UI, see Run Apps on the Android Emulator. Bluestacks Download on Mac. The latest version of Bluestacks is also available on Mac devices. It is a helpful service for users who love to connect. The Android emulator can run effectively on Mac devices. The Bluestacks application works with all popular Android apps. The Mac devices are very capable of running lightweight Android apps.

Download the Android SDK, and unzip it somewhere. I placed the android-sdk-mac_86 folder in my /Applications/ folder, but you can put it wherever you want.

Step 2 - Optional Add to System Path

Since we are using the command line you might find it useful to add the android-sdk-platform/tools folder to your system path so you can run the android commands from any folder.

Step 3 - Install Android Platforms

At this point, I tried running the emulator command, but the SDK doesn't contain any Android Platforms, the Android platform is essentially Android OS, you need to install at least one version (eg 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, etc) to run the emulator.

To install platforms run the android command located in the tools folder of the SDK (use on a Mac, or the Command Prompt on Windows, Linux folks you know what to do :). This will pop up a window. Select Available Packages, pick some platform versions and install.

Step 4 - Create a Virtual Device


Run Android Emulator On Mac Os

Still in the android tool, click on Virtual Devices on the left, and then click New. Here's an example of the settings for the new device:

Run Android Emulator On Mac Computer

Once you create the avd file, it should show up in the listing of Android Virtual Devices:

Step 5 - Run the emulator

Best Android Emulator For Pc

Now select the virtual device you just created and click Start on the right, and the emulator should start running: